What makes a good horror movie?
There is no set parameter to define a good horror movie, but mostly a good horror movie is one, which not only succeeds in scaring you, but it also ends either with a cliffhanger ending, or finishes on a happy note, with the chief antagonist getting its comeuppance.
The wasteland (Spanish : El páramo) is Spanish horror movie, which almost fits that definition of a good horror movie.
Directed by David Casademunt and starring Inma Cuesta, Asier Flores, and Robert Alámo, the wasteland is a slow burning psychological horror film, which starts on a very good note, builds up the crescendo, but ends up completely flat.
The film is set in a shack, located in a completely isolated landscape, where the father has put some scarecrows to mark the safe zone. No one is allowed to cross the threshold and hints are thrown at the existence of some violent, supernatural force beyond the boundaries.
The film begins very slowly and it feels a tad boring at start but once the first on screen death happens the story gets gripping. Visual palette is colourless and lifeless which helps set the tone of the film. The background score complements the visual setting of the film beautifully. And midway through the film you actually begin to enjoy, as slowly and slowly the horror element picks up.
The sequences build towards an epic showdown between the child and entity haunting the family only to disappoint. The last few scenes of the movie are actually very confusing, as the audience simply does not get the closure one expects in a horror movie.
The acting in the movie is praiseworthy specially the performance of Inma Cuesta as mother who is at times very protective towards her son but easily switches to tough love mode, when confronted by the creature.
The movie is available on Netflix and can be watched once, but don’t watch with too high expectations.