So you jump in to defend,
So you shout out to support,
Lowering yourself to lows,
That even you didn’t knew before,
And yet you don’t realize,
As you murder the shame within,
Chest beating, Desperation leaking,
You lay the arguments paper thin.
You lick the boots of the high,
Into the abyss you sink down,
You stare up at the master mighty,
They don’t see you as you drown,
Yet you fail to see through lies,
As you lay your self-esteem to rest,
You go on chirping sycophancy,
Faltering in the honor test.
You carry on wasting your life,
Blinded by your master’s glow,
Failing to open your eyes,
Never seeing their real hollow,
You could have scaled the peaks,
But you kept sinking, serving them,
You could have kept your head held high,
But lowered it, turned sycophant.
Home » The chirping sycophants
The chirping sycophants

Archit Srivastava
Dr Archit Srivastava aka Archwordsmith is a practicing doctor, writer and poet. He has penned over 300+ poems and stories over 26 years from a tender age of 10 years.
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