No chains, no cage, can hold us back,
There’s no stopping us, once we get on the track,
Move out of the way, all you old and raddled,
It’s time to go vroom, enough have you paddled,
We allowed you to keep this world for too long,
Always hoping you will make it green and strong,
But failed you have, and flopped in such a way,
We’ll have to sink the moon, to start a brand new day,
You may call us rookie, immature or what,
Our spring, your autumn, we deserve this shot,
The world awaits, it’s time to change the guard,
Miles to be traveled, thank you for your yards,
A lot of water has flown in the rivers that flow,
Time to milk the seas; it’s time for you to go.
Cause it’s our time.
Home » Our time (rap lyrics)
Our time (rap lyrics)

Archit Srivastava
Dr Archit Srivastava aka Archwordsmith is a practicing doctor, writer and poet. He has penned over 300+ poems and stories over 26 years from a tender age of 10 years.
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