Why do you worry? Why do you cry?
Life is still funny, and smiles never die,
Dreams may be watered, wet by the tears,
But will be warm again, when the sun will rise,
You don’t need to be a king or a queen,
You don’t need to be, high on the dope,
You don’t need to think of the if’s and but’s,
Just think of a word, the word that is HOPE.
When the things go wrong,
And you feel all lost,
And the clouds wrap up your sky,
Put on wings of hope,
And flap them fast,
Till the clouds begin to fly.
When the chips are down,
And the stakes are high,
It can be your dope,
When your heart sinks,
In your teary eyes,
Just cling on to hope.
It’s just a 4 letter word,
It’s just a 4 letter word,
It has power you have never heard of.
When the night has fallen, and you cannot see,
When the darkness laughs, at your destiny,
You can light the torches, with just your thought,
You can build a fire, and darkness can be fought,
You don’t need to be a warrior supreme,
You can climb the mountains, no hooks and no ropes,
You just need to bury, the doubts inside,
Just believe in one word, the word that is HOPE.
When the clouds don’t rain,
You are parched and dry,
It can dig you a lake,
Just add a pinch,
Of hope and fight,
And the distance can be made.
When you feel the heat,
And the sun’s on fire,
It can bring down the snow,
If you take a fall,
From the Everest high,
Just hold on to hope.
It ain’t just a 4 letter word,
It ain’t just a 4 letter word,
It is what powers the world you know of.
Home » Hope

Archit Srivastava
Dr Archit Srivastava aka Archwordsmith is a practicing doctor, writer and poet. He has penned over 300+ poems and stories over 26 years from a tender age of 10 years.
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