Women are unsafe,
but look at what they’re worried about,
Don’t dress in that, against our culture,
should not be allowed,
People are dying; cold and hungry,
Housewives crying; worried and angry,
But all they can think of is how to crush our dissent,
Invitations to those who fund terror are being sent.
What is wrong?
What is wrong with all of you?
We are a nation,
A nation with more pressing issues.
Girls are still being slaughtered,
We still drink dirty water,
But all we get to hear from our leaders,
Need a temple for all ‘Ram‘ believers,
And then the others shout,
we won’t let that be,
Muslims need a mosque,
and not bread and money,
But who cares what the Indians want,
Fear of crime continues to haunt,
We are afraid of stepping out of house,
They stay safe in their cages like a mouse.
They make the noise if they lose their car,
Our bodies are but a godown of the shards,
And we have none but self to blame,
Crown them king, again and again.
They gulp down our money; cases go on and on,
Our drinking water is sprinkled in their lawn,
But all we get to see is waving of the flags,
Cutting of ribbons, for projects that will lag,
Roads that won’t be built,
tracks that won’t be laid,
Money that won’t be spent,
but will be shown as paid,
But who cares what we Indians need,
They have their whole coterie to feed,
And only time when they speak in unity,
Is when they vote to raise their salaries.
They launch the ads,
preaching ‘save the fuel, hey man’,
While they travel in their lengthy caravans,
And we have none but ourselves to blame,
Make their son a prince, and things stay the same.
It is all wrong,
It is all wrong for the nation,
It is all wrong,
We are heading for termination,
It is all wrong,
If this is democracy, it’s a lie,
We stay trapped,
In the web of dynasties, like a fly.
Home » False democracy
False democracy

Archit Srivastava
Dr Archit Srivastava aka Archwordsmith is a practicing doctor, writer and poet. He has penned over 300+ poems and stories over 26 years from a tender age of 10 years.
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