Dear Netflix
Just because you are facing tough competition on the pricing front from other OTT providers in India, and you are under tremendous pressure to keep expanding, and keep providing new content on a regular basis to your subscribers, it does not give you the right to put such a piece of garbage in our recommendation.
A not so Brazen stuff
Yes, I am talking about Netflix India’s latest offering Brazen, based on a novel by Nora Roberts, Brazen is a murder mystery, a police romance and a study about psychiatric issues faced by teenage students, all rolled into one cheapest quality of smoke stick. The production value in itself is a giveaway that you are in for a ride that you are going to regret. The plot is wafer thin and the less said about the acting, the better.
The Plot
The basic plot of the movie is that of a killer targeting women who work as dominatrix for an adult cam service provider. The first victim of this crime happens to be the sister of our female protagonist played by Alyssa Milano. There are a few policemen in this movie who do almost nothing to solve the case. The handsome well though gets to bang our female protagonist on a couple of occasions. During the entire movie, our handsome police officer, who is touted as one of the sharpest minds, does nothing other than have pointless discussions with an Einstein haired Dr. Morpheus. The plot very smartly tries to create a scenario so that Alyssa Milano can do what she does best. The problem with that is best expressed in words of Danny Glover from Lethal Weapon.

Acting – or lack of it.
Can you seriously expect any acting in a movie that stars Alyssa Milano? Her expressions are so random that in one frame she is exasperated, and with a snap of fingers, she tries to switch to an expression of sadness. Unfortunately, she is able to achieve neither, and all you get to see is her with eyes wide open, trying to emote unsuccessfully. She must remember that her charmed days are long over. As if she was not enough, all the other actors try to pitch in with their contribution of cringe acting to make this an unwatchable film.
Direction – none found
Last but not the least the direction of this film is so haphazard that some of the sequences do not even make any sense. For example in one scene our leading lady watches a clip of murder, pics out an audio clue and very casually announces her finding with no distress of watching a murder video evident on her face and in the next frame she is seen in an hyperventilated state in the washroom. How random!
Final Word
Honestly, in its bid to expand its library Netflix should not provide us such lame content. Skip it and save your precious time.