They met due to sheer destiny,
Stumbled upon each other by chance,
On that icy cold day of winter,
Began their antiscian romance.
They were a half day apart,
He slept when out she went,
She dreamt when he sun-bathed,
But their love did never end.
He held her firm as she fell,
She made him see his worth,
They had their fights in way,
But were sorted by mere words.
They will never ever be together,
With time it was crystal clear,
But entwined were their souls,
In a bond of love so dear.
They closed their eyes and felt,
They felt each other’s soul,
The sun tried sinking on them,
But could never reach its goal.
And all through mercury madness,
He kept her going strong,
She kept him in her prayers,
When his life was playing wrong.
In this world of lust and treachery,
Where short lived is romance,
Continues their antiscian love story,
They met by blessing, not by chance.
Home » An antiscian love story
An antiscian love story

Archit Srivastava
Dr Archit Srivastava aka Archwordsmith is a practicing doctor, writer and poet. He has penned over 300+ poems and stories over 26 years from a tender age of 10 years.
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