Colour of my skin

Colour of my skin is a poem calling out the discrimination in name of skin tone and also questions the existence of fairness products. I have listened to this all my life,I am fair and man, you aren’t bright,A thought…

83 (Netflix/Hotstar) – Not a true sports biopic.

Hello Movie Maniacs What makes ‘Raging Bull’ such a memorable sports biopic? What makes ‘Remember the Titans’ an epic sports biopic? What makes ‘Moneyball’ such an emotional watch? The reason is one and that is these sports biopic were not…


Courage is a poem about a mountaineer who achieves his childhood dream of scaling the Mt. Everest. The poem talks about courage needed to achieve the impossible and ends with a burning question. I had a look at the towering…

Shaktiroopa: StreeBhu (Chapter 1) – Well begun is half done

Hello Comic Nerds वर्ष 2022 को राज कॉमिक्स बाय मनोज गुप्ता ने ध्रुवोदय ईयर घोषित किया है। अर्थात इस साल सुपर कमांडो ध्रुव पर ही उनका Main Focus रहेगा। इसी वादे को निभाते हुए राज कॉमिक्स बाय मनोज गुप्ता ने…

The Heavens refuse to rain with me

Love your parents and treat them with loving careFor you’ll know their value when you see their empty chair It just doesn’t feel like,The place I grew,Where are those friends?I wish I knew,The walls are no longer green,And the heavens…

Cuts and Bruises (Dr Shivam Pandya) – A cut above the best

Hello BookWorms Medical literature is one of the toughest genres to write in. If you involve too much of medical terminology, your stories end up becoming medical notes. If you minimise the medical aspect beyond a certain extent, it becomes…


When you have no hope,Have no reason to live a life,When you’ve lost all the smiles,And you don’t wish to survive,Just take my name and see,Your tears will vaporize,Just feel my hand in yours,You will find a way to life,By…


I stand alone,I am sinking deep,And what’s sadder,I have none to weep, I cry alone,I am buried in trench,My eyes outpour,I am all so drenched. Dirty, stinking souls around me,Plaguing my life to the core,Friends who tell me to battle…

सवा लाख से एक लड़ाऊं – The less said the better.

Hello Comic Nerds सन 2000 के बाद ऐसा लगता था की राज कॉमिक्स किसी क्रिएटिव कंपनी की जगह एक फैक्ट्री लाइन में तब्दील हो गई थी। यह वह दौर था जब राज कॉमिक्स हर महीने एक दर्जन कॉमिक्स निकालने लगी…

The Kashmir Files – ये मेरा कश्मीर है (A poem on Kashmir Genocide)

In 2015, while reading in detail about the Kashmir genocide and exodus of Kashmiri Hindus, my eyes were flooding with tears. A genocide was white washed, and the oppressors were let go under garb of secularism. My heart cried out…

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