Dignity Sacrificed

When I looked at this world, it felt like a stranger,I think was lost in a jungle, and I am not a ranger,I went beating a trail that no one’s going to follow,And all the promises seemed to be hollow,I…

The Butchering Goddess

Estimates for female foeticide vary by scholar. One group estimates more than 10 million female fetuses may have been illegally aborted in India since 1990s, and 500,000 girls were being lost annually due to female foeticide. MacPherson estimates that 100,000…

The Katju Conundrum

Some statements are legendary. One such statement was given by Justice Markandey Katju in 2013 when he stated that 90% Indians are idiots. This poem was written in dedication to that statement. Dedicated to Justice Katju 90% Indians are fools,Katju…


She ordered fire,And I just waited,For the bullets to,Hit me hard. I thought I knew her,I was mistaken,As the metal ran,Through my heart. And she smiled on my face,Packed my tears and had them parceled,She quipped what a fool I…

Far away from hell – An astronaut’s tale

Far away from hell is a poem written from the perspective of an astronaut who watches the earth from far away and thinks about world peace and futility and pettiness of wars and other conflicts. I just wake up,Look down…

Human Rights Hypocrisy

I am a soldier,Do you know me Mr. Human right?I guard the borders,So you can sleep in night,I am not trigger happy,And I too don’t want the fight. I patrol the barbed fences,Do you think I do it for myself?If…

फिर “आप” को किसने भ्रष्ट किया?

Everytime Arvind Kejriwal speaks, this poem plays in my mind. Dedicated to the the kejri cult. वे जो कहते थे व्यवस्था बदल देंगे,वे आज खुद बदले से नज़र आते है,कभी ढाते है जुल्म रंगभेद का,कभी धरने पे बैठ जाते है।वे…

Colour of my skin

Colour of my skin is a poem calling out the discrimination in name of skin tone and also questions the existence of fairness products. I have listened to this all my life,I am fair and man, you aren’t bright,A thought…


Courage is a poem about a mountaineer who achieves his childhood dream of scaling the Mt. Everest. The poem talks about courage needed to achieve the impossible and ends with a burning question. I had a look at the towering…

The Heavens refuse to rain with me

Love your parents and treat them with loving careFor you’ll know their value when you see their empty chair It just doesn’t feel like,The place I grew,Where are those friends?I wish I knew,The walls are no longer green,And the heavens…

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