Haiku – Life In a High Rise

Haiku #6 looking through the windowcement stands tall with mightheaven stays hidden

Haiku – Hidden History

Haiku #5 An old broken car, lost in the jungle deep – history forgotten

Haiku – BatmanVSuperMan

Haiku #4 Kryptonite punches I shroud him in his Cape cause I am Batman

Quote – Boat

Never abandon your old boat while you construct a new one, for you never know when the high tide may come. Archwordsmith

Haiku – NatureVsNoise

Haiku #3 Perched atop a tree blaring horns’ cacophony- music fades away

Haiku – Innocence

Haiku #2 Feline innocence admires the beauty of little butterfly

Haiku- Fruits of Labor

Haiku #1 Radiant skyline, over the paddy fields- emblazons labor

Limericks (1995)

What is a limerick? “A limerick is a kind of a witty, humorous, or nonsense poem,[1] especially one in five-line anapestic or amphibrachic meter with a strict rhyme scheme (AABBA), which is sometimes obscene with humorous intent.” There was a…

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