Hello Comic Nerds Every city is a story. Every city is made up of countless number of stories. These stories define that city and its cumulative spirit. Today I will be dissecting a graphic novel that tells the stories of…
English Comics
a critical analysis and dissection of english comicbooks
India Dreams (1-4) – Paintings and Prejudices
Howdy Comic Nerds I have read my fair share of English comic books. Yet somehow, I could never connect with this medium of entertainment in any language, other than Hindi. Hence, to me comic book always meant Hindi. It kind…
Professor Ashwatthama – Great Concepts deserve a great script.
Hello Comic Nerds 5000 साल से भी अधिक पुरानी सभ्यता, अनगिनत पौराणिक कथाएं और ना जाने कितने महा ग्रंथ होने के बावजूद भी, भारतीय कॉमिक्स और फिल्म से हमारा यह गौरवशाली इतिहास कुछ विलुप्त सा रहा है।Whatever little exploration and…