maligned intentionsthe British campaign of liesthe truth still prevails
Avtaran Parv (Mahanagayan) – Nothing grand about it
नागायण राज कॉमिक्स के इतिहास में पूरी होने वाली सबसे बड़ी महागाथा थी। मगर शायद इसकी पूर्णता राज कॉमिक्स की टीम को अखर रही थी। इसलिए उन्होंने सर्वनायक की तरह इसे और विस्तारित करने का निर्णय लेते हुए महानागायण की…
Cinema marte dam tak – An ode to the B/C of Hindi cinema
Let me start by making a confession. I have never watched a B or C grade Hindi movie. So obviously I had little interest in watching this series and I definitely did not have any feeling of nostalgia while watching…
Rakshak Origins (Vol 1) – Rise of a Vigilante
Yes, I know I am late to the party, but the fact is that when Rakshak was released, I was on a hiatus from comic book reading. After resuscitating my reading habits in 2021, I finally learned about this vigilante…