Archit Srivastava
407 Articles7 Comments

Dr Archit Srivastava aka Archwordsmith is a practicing doctor, writer and poet. He has penned over 300+ poems and stories over 26 years from a tender age of 10 years.

An-One origins #2 – More confusion, less resolution

An-One origins is a comic book series published by Curious Bit publication. The first issue has already been dissected and now it’s time for the second issue to go under the knife. Credits Writer – Varun Malhotra Pencil and inks…

The last kiss before the gallows

Your voice is like a symphony,Sweet and smooth like drops of honey,I want you to pour it,                      All on me.Like an orchestra in unison,Like the angels singing in heaven,I am your fan,                      Let me listen. Keep speaking, keep speaking,I just can’t stand…

An- One Origins – Confusingly paced

Year 2022 has seen a boom in Indian comics industry with number of new publishers coming up with their debut editions. Amongst all the new publishers came the news of an relatively unheard publication, whose first comic is titled An-One…

Goodbye Love

Every time the wind blows in my face,I feel the love we had, just blew away,Every time I reach at a cross-road,I see the time, we parted way. Every day as I open the door for sun,I feel our love…

Heaven (Disney Hotstar) – Slow burner with a satisfying end.

Hello Movie Nerds Directed by debutant director Unni Govindraj Heaven is a movie that belongs to only one man and that is Suraj Venjaramoodu He has given such a fine nuanced performance as a grieving father who is seeking not…

The writer’s block

Tick Tock! Tick Tock!Watching the clock,Fiddling with pen,Facing the block. Inking the pages,Crumpling them all,Tossing them over,Like basket ball. Train of the thoughts,Ramming the wall,The writer within,You cannot recall. Writing a line,Scratching it clean,Can’t put to words,Sights you have seen.…

Haveli ka pret (हवेली का प्रेत) – Even superheroes need help

नूतन कॉमिक्स द्वारा प्रकाशित भूतनाथ एक ऐसा किरदार है जिसके बारे में मैंने बहुत कुछ सुना है। कई लोग तो नॉस्टैल्जिया के चक्कर में इस किरदार के बारे में ऐसी बातें करते हैं जैसे कि सुपरमैन और बैटमैन के बाद…

अंतर्द्वंद (Antardwand) – Rebirth of a hero

सर्वनायक श्रृंखला के अंतहीन सफल पर निकली हमारी यह गाड़ी सफर के दूसरे पड़ाव पर पहुंच रही है। यह एक ऐसा पड़ाव है जहां मन के भीतर एक अंतर्द्वंद चल रहा है। वह यह कि क्या मैं यह सफर जारी…

धिक्कार (Dhikkar) – Bhediya origin in reverse

Hello Comic Nerds जब भोकाल नामक सुपर हीरो को राज कॉमिक्स ने प्रस्तुत किया था तब कई लोगों ने उसकी तुलना हीमैन से करी थी। लेकिन समय के साथ-साथ इस किरदार ने उन तुलनाओ को झूठा बताते हुए, सफलता के…

Carter (Netflix) – Too much of anything is bad

Korean cinema surpasses cinema of any other country by a mile. Their stories are fresh, emotions are raw, fictions are mind boggling and overall, each movie is leagues better than anything else you can watch. No wonder that even Hollywood…

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